Susanna Says

Hello everybody:

Cold enough this Winter? Nothing like panty-hose to beat the frost. Had a couple of fun- filled gettogethers recently, one at Sheila's and the other at Kathey's. Fiercely cold nights. But wonderful opport- unities to wear my black seal coat. (Still beautiful after ten years! Shhh! don't tell anybody. Of course I've had it shortened to meet the call of fashion.) Shocked everybody at Kathey's by wearing a grey dress with bright orange panty-hose. One way not to attract attention. Did you hear about Erica's accident? It happened the night of Sheila's party. It was snow- ing and on her way back home, driving dressed, she slammed her little car into a tow truck. The car was ruined. Erica hurt both knees and forehead, fortunately not seriously. The police arrived. Erica of course showed her driver's license ( it reads: male). The police then drove her to a spot where she could catch a taxi and go home. AND NOT A WORD WAS SAID ABOUT HER BEING DRESSED! She could not believe it. The police acted as if it were the most natural thing in the world for a guy to be dressed as a woman from head to toe. And this hap- pened in little old New York! Could it be that the TV climate is improving more than we think?